Thursday, June 30, 2011


No matter how many times,
No matter how far or close,
Old or young
Nothing can prepare you for the shock of death.
Nothing is a clear a cut,
As instant,
Or as severe as death.
It is a sudden void
That no amount of tears can fill.
It is a pain
That no pain killer can kill.
Death is our biggest enemy
Whether Christian or Atheist
It does to everyone
Exactly the same.
Death is not my friend,
Nor is it my ally
But the pain that wakes me up at night.
And yet, death has visited again.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday Musings

Waking up in a rush, realising that it’s already light only to remember that its Saturday morning is probably one of the best feelings in the world. Settling down for one more snooze, a possible cup of tea in the bed and a late breakfast is just one of those small wonders women so much love. And if you are fortunate enough to have a newspaper boy then you have the advantage of the smell of a freshly printed newspaper with Saturday news. If not, you will have to settle for the electronic version, just like me. But just like me, you’ll miss the smell and the feel of it. Scrolling down the page just isn’t the same as struggling to turn the page without getting it all messed up.

Once I finally manage to get out of bed I put on my weekend playlist – yes am rather pedantic about this. Chilling around the house, taking an extra-long shower and playing with the pooch puts me in the perfect spirit to brave traffic. Browsing through the shops at your own time, surprise meetings in long aisles makes this experience worth it all. Making your way to a coffee shop, struggling to find a table and finally having that coffee you have been smelling all morning is even worth breathing in the smoke that wasn’t supposed to be there. Traffic home is always challenging with hundreds of shoppers all finding their way home. But then you get home with your dozen packages and empty purse and nothing seems more inviting than your bed.

Whether you are an outdoorsy person or a bookworm of sorts, Saturday afternoons and evenings seem to flow into one much faster than a river reaches its mouth. Before you know it, it’s time to make dinner plans, get yourself invited somewhere or decide what packet of chips will go with what bottle of wine.

And all too soon you’ll find yourself wishing it was Saturday morning again.